Soakaway Crates

Soakaway crates are used to efficiently drain away storm water into suitable nearby ground. As with a drainage field, a percolation test is required to ensure the ground will be suitable.

Stage 1
Percolation Test

A percolation test is required to determine whether a soakaway crate installation can go ahead at a property. The Percolation test is to identify if the soil is suitable, it will also determine the amount of crates required

Stage 2
Calculate Vp

The Vp is calculated using the measurement of soil porosity gained from the percolation test, the square footage of the roof and the outflow volume

Stage 3
Soakaway crate installation

Excavate the calculated area to the required depth, level the crates with stone, line the excavated area with GeoTextile membrane, install the crates into the lined area whilst wrapping the crates in the membrane before finally surrounding the crates with clean stone and backfilling with soil

Soakaway Crates

It was normal practice prior to recent developments to simply excavate a large area and fill the hole with hardcore, bricks and stone. The issue with this system was it had a tendency to break down over time, causing issues with the consistency of the ground, and even causing flooding to the surface.


With the recent development of Soakaway crates, much better soakaways have been constructed using modular water storage cells. With water management an ever-increasing factor for developers, homeowners, and Local Authorities. When a soakaway crate installation is carried out correctly, plastic soakaways are vastly more efficient than their hardcore predecessors.


To ensure that the soakaway works efficiently, a percolation test must be carried out. For example, the soakaway crates would not be suitable in clay ground. It is also not advisable to install soakaway crates in ground that is currently being used as a drainage field or is known to flood. Soakaway crates can only be used with storm water and cannot be used for sewage treatment plants or septic tanks.

Our Working Process


Get In Touch

Give us a quick call and let us know if you require a new storm crates or replacement of existing crates.


Percolation Test

We require a percolation test to be carried out before any installation as a requirement from building control, this will determine the amount of the required crates.


Evaluate figure and provide a quote

Our engineers will evaluate the figures of the percolation test and calculate the required size of the field and provide a quote for this.


Excavate and Install

We will then excavate the required area, install the storm crates, have inspection from building control and then reinstate the area.